CCYHA Policies


In addition to the development of our hockey players and enjoyment of the sport of hockey, the safety and protection of our participants is central to CCYHA’s goals. CCYHA adheres to USA Hockey’s SafeSport Program as a means to help protect its participants from physical abuse, sexual abuse and other types of misconduct, including emotional abuse, bullying, threats, harassment and hazing. To help prevent abuse or misconduct from occurring in our locker rooms, CCYHA has adopted the following locker room policy, which attempts to balance the social integration and camaraderie of a team sport while providing a safe and respectful environment for all the participants. The policy may apply to other members who are participating as players, coaches and officials.

Four main locker rooms and one female locker room are available for our use during normal practice and game times at the home facility in Irmo, SC.

During periods of multi-team use, each team will have a locker room/dressing area available for their use, as well as the female locker room(s)/dressing area.

When we have coed teams, it is important that the privacy rights of all players are given consideration and appropriate arrangements made.

At the 10u and under ages CCYHA adopts the USA Hockey minimum attire policy. All players should be required to arrive at the rink wearing their hockey base layers or shorts and t-shirts (in good condition – no holes or tears in clothing) under their street clothes. All members of the team must have this minimum attire before entering a co-ed locker room so that no player of one gender has the opportunity to see players of the opposite gender in a state of dress/undress.

At the 12u and up ages, CCYHA adopts the USA Hockey separate locker room policy. Which states the male and female players dress/undress in separate locker rooms and convene in a single locker room before the game or team meeting. Once the game or practice is finished, the players will come to one locker room for a team meeting and then the male and female players will proceed to their separate locker rooms to undress.

* (No team meeting should begin until the entire team is present.)

Teams in our programs regularly travel to play games at other arenas, and those locker rooms, restrooms and shower facilities will vary from location to location. When playing away games, parents, coaches and team managers are encouraged to allow for extra time and flexibility to observe unfamiliar or new facilities and arrange access for players and coed teams to dress and undress.

There will be times when separate locker rooms are not available or opponent facilities are deemed not acceptable. Only when these situations arise, may the Head Coach utilize other acceptable practices, which include:


  1. BASE LAYER – Players wearing a base layer, such as shorts and t-shirt (no player should remove this base layer in the common area of the locker room) so that no player of one gender has the opportunity to observe players of the opposite gender in a state of undress. In the event a player arrives at a coed locker room without this minimum attire, that player should dress/undress in a separate supervised locker room or restroom, and can rejoin the team once they are wearing appropriate attire.
  2. TAKING TURNS – One gender utilizes the locker room and changes into their uniforms. That gender then leaves the locker room and the other gender dresses. Once all genders have dressed, the team would then assemble in the locker room and hold the coach’s pre/post-game meeting.


Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras, are not permitted to be used in the locker rooms. If phones or other mobile devices must be used, they should be taken outside of the locker room. This applies to all coaches, players, officials, volunteers and parents.

NOTE: A phone may only be used for music and organized team management use with the coaching staff present in the locker room. Ex. Team manager taking a team picture.

CCYHA abides by USA Hockey, USA Safesport, and Regional governing bodies Locker Room Guidelines. It is not acceptable for players to observe the opposite gender while they dress or undress. Members and volunteers who violate USA Hockey, Safesport, Regional governing bodies, CCYHA or other organizational policies, or who violate the privacy rights of others, could be subject to appropriate discipline.

Revised September 13, 2023

Hallway Policy

  • Please make sure your player is dressing in the appropriate locker room area. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE IN THE PLEX LOBBY OR HALLWAY AREAS.
  • Parents of Learn to Play to Mites are allowed in the locker room area to assist with changing. Otherwise, Squirt age and above, we ask that parents remain outside of the locker room (unless you are a CCYHA approved volunteer and have gone through background check, Safe Sport training and USA Hockey Membership)
  • Bullying and/or Rough Housing will not be tolerated in the locker rooms & hallways.
  • Please make sure to act in accordance while hosting visiting teams. Disruptive and unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Please make sure locker rooms are free of trash by picking up drink bottles and food wrappers.
  • There is NO puck / ball passing in the locker room hallways.
  • There is NO running in the locker room hallways and around the rink.
  • The CCYHA or Plex are not responsible for items left behind in the locker room. If you leave an equipment, please ask a Plex employee if it was returned into lost and found. Sometimes, items will be returned into the equipment room.
  • If you are renting equipment, PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR CHILD’S NAME ON THE EQUIPMENT.
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