
By-Laws of

Capital City Youth Hockey Association

As amended September 2023


Article I – Membership 

Section 1 – Acceptance 

Acceptance of youth into activities of this Association shall not contravene the principles of membership set forth in the Constitution.

Section 2 – Application 

Membership shall be by application, completed in its entirety and accompanied by the annual dues payment or dues payment installment plan established by the Board for that year.

The “Application” and “Release and Assumption of Risk” must be signed by a parent or legal guardian for any applicant under the age of 18 years.

The Association will accept all applications and will make acceptance decisions without regard to race, color, religion, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, gender, age, or any other legally protected status. See Section 4 below for clarification of denial.

Section 3 – Dues 

The Board shall set the dues amount for each age group at each level of participation prior to the commencement of the season. This includes but is not limited to, Travel, Rec Travel and House League.

The Board, prior to the commencement of the season, shall also determine installment plans if applicable.

Any applicant not financially capable of paying his or her annual dues may negotiate a payment plan with the Treasurer or apply for financial assistance through the Scholarship Committee. Any payment plans other than that established above shall be in writing, signed by the

applicant and supported by a majority vote in support by the Board.

Only one 10% discount can be applied to a player, NO double or stacking discounts: goalie, multi-sibling, active military, head coach’s player

Player Dues must be paid in FULL by January 15 th unless other payment

arrangements are made and approved by the Board.

Scholarship Policy: The scholarship due date for the first round of scholarships is August 1 st The first round of Scholarships will be issued by August 15 th . Applications will be accepted for Scholarship Round Two until August 31. The second round of Scholarships will be approved in the September meeting if funds are still available. Applications for Scholarships may be accepted after September at the discretion of the board for extenuating circumstances that may arise with players and families.

Scholarships Only available to House + and Travel players. Exceptions will be

made for extenuating circumstances to be approved by the board.

A player cannot receive a discount and Scholarship.



*The player discounts will come out of the Association Budget and not the individual

team budgets that are approved by the board.

Section 4 – Denial of membership 

Application for membership will be denied if:

  1. Dues from prior year were not paid.
  2. Prior suspensions are still outstanding.
  3. Equipment or other obligations from a prior year are still outstanding.
  4. Proof of age not received within five days of request by the Association.
  5. Proof of proper medical/accident insurance coverage is not received within five days of being requested by the Association.
  6. The applicant is transferring from another organization, and there are outstanding monies or other obligations due to that organization. Denial will be lifted once a letter from the

previous organization is received stating all obligations have been fulfilled.

  1. Other considerations brought to the attention of the Board that are inconsistent with the purpose, principles or philosophies of the organization.
  2. Proof of current season USA Hockey Registration number.

Official denial requires a majority vote in support by the Board.

Section 5 – Membership limits 

The Association will accept as many applicants as the budgetary quantity of fielded teams and available slots will permit, as determined by the head coaches, and following USA Hockey guidelines. If it is necessary to limit the number of members/participants, tryouts will be used to determine the number.

Section 6 – Participation and Suspensions 

No member may commence participation in any activities of this Association until he or she has met the requirements as set forth in this article.

Any member can be suspended from participation in the activities of this organization if said member violates any rule or regulation, as set forth, by the Constitution, By-Laws, or Carolina Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) and USA Hockey Guidelines. Suspension requires a majority vote by the Board.

Article II – Government 

Section 1 – General Supervision 

The Board of Directors shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association and are charged with carrying out the Articles in these By-Laws.



The rules contained in the current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised” shall govern proceedings of the Association in all cases where applicable providing they are consistent with these By-Laws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.

These By-Laws may be amended at any regular Board meeting by majority vote in support by the Board, provided the amendment was submitted in writing at the previous Board meeting or 14 days in advance.

Section 2 – Finance/Budgets 

Funds of the Association shall be withdrawn from the bank with which they are on deposit by the signatures of the President and/or Treasurer.

No obligations shall be made in the name of the Association without prior approval of the Board.

Normal operating costs identified, as part of the annual operating budget, shall be deemed approved with acceptance of the budget. No monies over $250.00, outside the budget, shall be disbursed without approval of a majority in support by the Board. Approval may be at a Board meeting or via special meeting conference call.

The organization may receive gifts and contributions and may raise and use funds in any manner that qualifies for exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Revenue Law).

Special functions such as tournaments or development programs outside of normal league functions shall have a budget submitted to the Board for a majority approval.

Once the season has ended, no later than April 15, the remaining funds in the House and Travel Team Budgets will be reallocated to the CCYHA general fund.

The fiscal year shall be established as July 1 through June 30.

Section 3 – Indemnification 

No Director shall be liable, responsible, or accountable in damages or otherwise to the Association or to any Member thereof for any liability or loss relating to the performance or non-performance of any act concerning the business of the Association, provided that such member was acting in good faith and within the scope of his/her authority.

The Association shall indemnify and hold harmless each member of the Board against any liability, loss, or threat of liability or loss, including legal fees, as a result of any claim or legal proceeding relating to the performance or non-performance of any act

concerning the business of the Association, provide that the Director was acting in good faith and within the scope of his/her authority.

The Association and its members, jointly and severally, hereby release each member of the Board from any liability or loss to the Association or the Members under the circumstances set forth in this section.



Article III – Elections-Directors 

Section 1 – Board Directors 

The following Directors make up the Board. All positions have voting rights. All

positions should make efforts towards fundraising, marketing, and recruitment to the

CCYHA Association.


Vice President



USA Hockey Registrar

Coaching Director

Youth Hockey Coordinator

Section 2 – Elections 

The membership will be notified of any vacant Board positions by the time of the next

Board meeting since the vacancy developed. The notice will request any member

interested in filling the position to notify the President of their interest. Credentials and experience should be identified in the application.

Applications will be reviewed by the Board. A potential Board member must be in good standing with Capital City Hockey or any other Ice Hockey Association. Additional

applicants may be nominated by the board. A ballot of applicants will be provided to

the membership. At least fourteen (14) days shall exist between the vacancy notice and the ballot distribution. The members will have at least fourteen (14) days to review the ballot.

An Election will take place where each member (parents) will be able to cast a single

vote per open position per registered player. The elections must be held during the

regular season at a time giving the maximum amount of members a chance to cast their vote(s). The ballots will be collected manually or electronically by 2 board members not up for election or running in the election. Ballot collection can be performed in 1 day or up to 1 week to ensure maximum representation. The elected will be announced to the membership within 5 days after the final voting period ends. If there is a tie a run off

will occur between the two candidates and the election process will be as stated above. Section 3 – Vacancies 


Vacancies on the Board or in any office shall be temporarily filled by a nominee receiving majority vote in support by the Board. Such appointee shall serve until an election as described in Section 2, for the vacant position is completed.


A vacancy is deemed to exist if any Director has been absent, without justification, from three (3) consecutive Board meetings. A temporary replacement may be designated by the Board with majority approval for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations of the

Director. The temporary replacement will cease to perform the Director role when the

Director is able to return to active status, is able to fulfill the duties of the Director



position and has received turnover from any temporary replacement. Turnover shall be documented and acknowledged at a Board meeting prior to resumption of duties.


A Director may be removed from the Board by majority vote if:

  1. The Director has been absent from three (3) or more consecutive meetings without acceptable justification.
  2. A conflict of interest is discovered
  3. The responsibilities of the Director position have not been performed in a

satisfactory manner.

  1. The Director is suspected of criminal action. In this case, proper authorities will be contacted. If the Director is convicted, they are immediately removed from the


The subject Director shall be informed five (5) days prior to a meeting of the Board to

discuss and vote on such action. Following said meeting, the outcome of the Board’s

decision shall be effective immediately and immediately conveyed to subject Director

in writing or email.


Any Director desiring to resign may do so by giving notification of their intent to the

President in writing or via email. The President will convey this information to the

Board prior to the next Board meeting. The minutes of the next Board meeting

must record this resignation, and it is at this Board meeting when the resignation

becomes effective.

Such a vacancy shall be filled as outlined in Section 3. The director resigning should assist in finding a replacement and perform turnover with the incoming director on their

position, its duties, account login and passwords, and ongoing or critical activities.

Section 4 – Terms 

Board Members shall serve a term of two (2) years with the exception of Treasurer who shall serve three (3) years in order to have continuity with taxes. If the director has no

opposing candidate during the election process, they can maintain their position until a candidate comes forth to run for the position. If a board member is elected after the end of their term, a new term begins.

Section 5 – Supplementary Authority of the Board of Directors 

The Board shall have the power to:

  1. Select or transfer any player from one team to another to balance play in

accordance with CAHA and USA Hockey rules.

  1. Shall sanction all “travel teams” which play against teams outside this Association.
  2. Make final decision(s) regarding requests for players to “play-up”.



Article IV – Directors 

Section 1 – President 


The President is the leader of the Association and is ultimately responsible for the Board. Duties 

  1. Preside at all meetings and enforce all rules and regulations relating to this


  1. Be responsible for creating an agenda for all Board meetings and deliver said

agenda at least seven (7) days prior to that meeting where applicable.

  1. Call meetings of the Association, at their discretion or upon request of a majority

vote in support by the Board.

  1. Attend monthly CAHA webinars and report information back to the CCYHA Board.
  2. Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
  3. Act as official spokesperson of the Association.
  4. Notification of all correspondence within the Association.
  5. Be custodian of all official records of the Association excluding current year

financial records in the possession of the Treasurer necessary for performing the

duties outlined in Article IV Section 3.

  1. Sign yearly tax returns, and co-sign financial documents and/or accounts as the

responsible party for the Association.

  1. Manage the email account for position.

Section 2 – Vice President 


The Vice President shall implement various programs and policies of the Association.

This may include the assumption of duties of other Board positions during vacancies,

duties of member volunteers, or other unspecified duties that become a priority.

In the absence of the President, or in the inability or refusal of the President to perform their duties as defined in Article IV Section 1, the Vice President shall act as the

President. When acting as the President, the Vice President shall have all the authority and restrictions of the President.


  1. Carry out appropriate policies, programs, orders, and resolutions approved by the


  1. Manage email account for the Vice President position.
  2. Appoint chairpersons of any standing committees.
  3. Serve as the Point of Contact for equipment and Association assets.
  4. Ensure that all travel teams utilize the designated media and communication

platform (website).

  1. Act as chairman on the Disciplinary Committee.
  2. Maintain a log of Disciplinary actions taken, disciplinary hearing results,

and any other pertinent information.



Section 3 – Secretary 


The Secretary is responsible for communication and records of the Board and



  1. Record proceedings of all Board meetings and distribute copies of the meeting

minutes to all Directors within seven (7) days of meeting.

  1. Circulate all correspondence of vacancies to all members
  2. Send a weekly newsletter to all members.
  3. Manage email account for Secretary

Section 4 – Treasurer 


The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters of the Association


  1. All monies payable to and disbursed from the Association shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer. This person is responsible for compliance with Article II, Section 2.
  2. Deposit receipts of the Association on a timely basis.
  3. Keep a detailed hard copy of all transactions with verified balances on a

monthly basis. Said hard copy shall be of a format acceptable for the Internal

Revenue Service.

  1. Submit a financial report at each meeting of the Board or when called upon by the President to do so.
  2. Submit to the President, at the end of each fiscal year, a report detailing all receipts and expenditures of the organizations for the previous year and verification of all

balance sheet accounts.

  1. Provide documentation of the financial affairs of the association as requested by

the Board.

  1. Submit a proposed annual operating budget detailing income and expense line

items within 30 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.

  1. File all sales tax reports or forms required by the South Carolina Department of


  1. File annual tax return or other forms as required by the Internal Revenue


  1. Be the contact person for the Scholarship Committee.

Section 5 – USA Hockey Registrar 


The Association is required by USA Hockey to ensure all players have the correct

paperwork to be properly registered with USA Hockey.




  1. USA Hockey contact point for all registrations.
  2. Maintain and is knowledgeable of USA Hockey Registrar software.
  3. Attend any seminars for Registrars.
  4. Manage email account for Registrar.
  5. Maintains all registration of all players in the Organization.
  6. Work closely with Team Managers, Head Coach and Coaching Director and coaches to ensure teams are properly rostered and all coaches are properly certified.

Section 6 – Coaching Director 


The Coaching Director is the coaches’ representative on the Board. This position

should focus on all items that involve coaches that would not be considered

direct player development.


  1. Contact point between association and CAHA/CHL on team/travel issues.
  2. Manage coaching director email.
  3. Maintains the library or reference material. This should include house

practice plans and off-ice training. It may include travel plans and other

material to help coaches develop players.

  1. Organize and lead coaching meetings.
  2. Maintain and share with the Registrar list of all Association coaches and their

pertinent information and communicate requirements for compliance with

USA Hockey and CAHA.

  1. Request and receive the applications from coaching candidates at all levels of

participation. Requests for travel coaches need to be made by February inorder to

vote for new head coaches in March prior to tryouts.

  1. Provide recommendations to the Board for coaching candidates at all levels of


  1. Coordinate with coaches and Board to develop and maintain the Association’s

philosophy and ensure coaches are accountable for following that philosophy.

  1. Leads the Player Development Committee.
  2. Be the contact point for all “play-up” and “practice up” requests. Consult with

coaches and present results to the Board for final decision.

  1. Communicate parent education initiatives between USA Hockey and the


  1. Act as a member on the Disciplinary Committee.

Section 7 – Youth Hockey Coordinator 


The Youth Hockey Coordinator is often the first point of contact for all players

and families involved in the Association.




  1. Serve as the liaison between the Board, the members, and participants in the


  1. Solicit volunteers in the house programs.
  2. Lead the efforts for Try Hockey for Free event. Responsible for getting volunteers

and working with the Equipment Manager coordinating gear fitting.

  1. Represent team managers and other volunteers on the Board
  2. Manages and Updates hallway bulletins, schedules photographer for entire

membership. Maintain player photos, and information on the designated media and

communication platform Facebook.

  1. Manage the email account for Youth Coordinator

Article V – Meetings 

Section 1 – General 

There shall be regular meetings of the Board, duly announced, and not less than

quarterly. It is recommended that the Board meet monthly during the playing season.

These meetings are open to the membership, but said members have no vote.

Directors only meetings may be scheduled as deemed necessary to the Board.

Meeting minutes will be approved by a majority vote in support by the Board at the

next Board meeting. Directors can approve the minutes in writing or via e-mail. The

Secretary must record the voting results. The secretary will record and distribute the

meeting minutes within 7 days of the Board Meeting

Each Board member is required to attend all scheduled meetings. Meeting

attendance will be documented by the Secretary at all scheduled meetings.

Section 2 – Startup 

It has been custom of this Association to hold a general meeting at the season’s start-up to acquaint new and old members with the coming season’s plans. This meeting should be held after all tryouts and team selections have been completed.

Article VI – Standing Committees 

Section 1 – Disciplinary Committee 


The purpose of the Disciplinary Committee is to regulate and enforce behavioral

standards to all CCYHA members (Parents, Players, Coaches, and Volunteers). A

Disciplinary Committee hearing will be used as the rehabilitative and accountability tool utilized by the CCYHA to enforce the code of conduct and curb conduct that is

incompatible with USA Hockey rules and regulations, Safesport, and in our society. This committee should in no way replace actions taken for most infractions being handled at the head coach level, but instead address repeated or major infractions




  1. The Disciplinary committee will consist of a Chairman (normally the Vice President

or the Coaching Director), and two Co Chairmen appointed by the Vice President

All committee members will be considered “with vote”.

  1. Chairman must notify parents by email and or phone call concerning the

disciplinary action against their player and explain the disciplinary process to

parents prior to interviews.

  1. Conduct interviews, internal fact-finding investigations, and hold Disciplinary

hearings on offending members in support of personal accountability and

character development.

  1. Conduct a committee vote during disciplinary hearings to determine innocence or

guilt of the member in question and determine the appropriate rehabilitative

tool(s) or process to address the behavior.

  1. Establish and maintain policy regarding disciplinary hearings and procedures


  1. Aid the CCYHA board of directors in educating members in USA Hockey

Rules/Regulations, Code of Conduct, and Safesport.

  1. Maintain a log of Disciplinary actions taken, disciplinary hearing results, and any

other pertinent information.

Section 2 – Player Development Committee 


The primary purpose of the Association is to provide an environment where youth can

learn, participate, and excel in the sport of ice hockey. This committee will develop and enforce the appropriate training objectives and actions for the players and coaches. This committee will be responsible for organizing and running team tryouts (unless the team head coach is established, in which case the head coach will lead team tryouts) at the

beginning of the season and for continuous evaluation of players during the season.

This committee will be determined and led by the Coaching Director who will

communicate on its behalf with the Board.


  1. Review and understand the USA Hockey American Development Model (ADM).
  2. Determine any specific development objectives to meet the needs of the


  1. Develop specific evaluation format and tool for each age group.
  2. Solicit and assign volunteer duties for evaluations as needed. This will include all on and off-ice volunteers.
  3. Ensure the evaluation process is fair and equitable for all participants.
  4. Evaluate players and communicate development goals to coaches. Coaches are

directly responsible for communicating development goals to players and parents.

Article VII – Additional Staff 

Section 1 – Ice Scheduler 


The purpose of the Ice Scheduler is to serve as a single point of contact between the

CCYHA and the Ice Rink. Having a single point of contact ensures that duplicate or



conflicting ice schedule requests do not occur. All requests for ice from the CCYHA,

changes in schedule by CCYHA or by Ice Rink will be managed by the Ice Scheduler.


  1. Maintain a schedule for all CCYHA on-ice events. This schedule should be visible to the Board, Team Managers, and Head Coaches.
  2. Coordinate CCYHA schedule with Ice Rink schedule.
  3. Coordinate referees with the referee coordinator for CCYHA games and


  1. Submit requests to lease ice from Ice Rink by the CCYHA. Receive confirmation of

those requests or communicate alternatives to the original requestor.

  1. Provide Team Managers (and/or Head Coaches) exact times for their on-ice events. f. Communicate changes to the schedule driven by Ice Rink to the Board.

Section 2 – Equipment Manager 


The purpose of the Equipment Manager is to manage the equipment room. This

includes fitting new players with rental gear so they may participate in hockey, keeping

the equipment room organized and inventoried, maintaining a log of renewal fees for

continued renters, and utilizing the inventory to apply for replacement equipment

grants each season.


  1. Communicate with and set up a time to meet with parents and players for fitting.
  2. Maintain the equipment room in an orderly fashion and the overflow space

outside the room in the attic.

  1. Collect equipment and renter information and payment at time of rental.
  2. Remind renters and collect renewal fees beginning in August of the new season.
  3. inventory the equipment and present to the board of directors, at the end of each

season. This helps when applying for grants the following season.

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