Board of Directors Minutes

MINUTES 3/20/24

CCYHA Board of Directors Meeting

March 20, 2024

Flight Adventures Park


Attendance: Trista Y. McConegly, Katie Moore, Eric Manning, Cindy Warnix, Josh Manley, Ashley Courier, Jessica Burgoyne 


Welcome and Call to order by Trista McConegly, President 6:40 PM

Minutes: February 28, 2024  

Motion: Trista McConegly made a motion to approve meeting minutes from February 28, 2024. Second: Katie M. Vote Unanimous and Approval 

Financial Discussion and Report: 

Trista M. provided information from the Flight.

Ice costs are increasing as per the Flight. Weekday $350.00 $375.00 Restrictions: 30 Day Notice if we wish to cancel. No weekend cancellations. 

No back to back cancellations.  

We are going to formulate a letter regarding same.  


Youth Coordinator: Katie Moore issued a report.  

Try Hockey for Free was held on March 16, 2024. 40 children signed up. The event was a success. 

Maria Grose put in her name for consideration for Youth Coordinator if the position is available.


Registrar: Ashley Courier: Hero’s Game is on Friday, March 22, 2024. This game is a fundraiser for the 14U Team’s trip to National’s.  

Fundraising for National’s is going well.  

Jessica B. made a motion for the CCYHA League to pay for each Nationally Bound team up $2500.00 for the tournament dues and a team recognition item such as an activity, dinner or item as recognition. Second: Josh Manly Vote: Unanimous

Trista M. : Motion to use the National Team Fundraising Donations towards Travel Vouchers for the youth team member attending Nationals April 3-7th in New York. Second: Josh Manley Vote: Unanimous 


Josh Manley: Vice President Report 

No report on discipline at this time.   

Josh is working on getting transition documents together for the summer.  


Trista M.: Motion to approve 8U Plus Head Coach Matt Pickrell and House Director David Jennings for the 2024/2025 season. Second: Ashley Courier

Vote: Unanimous 

Trista M. : Motion to approve Travel Head Coaches:

10U Bryan Moore and 14U Dave Zanella 16U Lou Goulet and 18U George Kiernan for the 2024 season. 

Second: Jessica Burgoyne 

Vote: Unanimous

Discussion on Head Coaches for 12U occurred.  

Josh M. : Motion to approve Scott White as the 12U Head Coach for the 2024 season. Second: Trista McConegly

Vote: Carries by majority 

Budget: Trista M. 

Discussion and update was provided. Trista provided an update on Cub and Bear League. 

16UAA has requested to be in the SYTHL again this coming season. The official notice of this will be May 6th, 2024.U 



Friday, May 10th 

18U 8:15 – 9:15 

Saturday May 11th

16U 11:45-1:00

10 – 1:15-2:30

12U 5-6:15

14U 6:30-7:45

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 is the call back or make up try-out date. 


President Report: Trista M. 

Pep Academy will be here in August. This will be advertised May 1, 2024. Nick Quinn runs the PEP Academy. Hockey Academy will be run by Dave N. in April and part of May.  

Additional updates were provided for summer sessions and a discussion occurred.  


Next CCYHA Board of Directors Meeting will occur on April 10, 2024 at 6:00PM at Flight Adventure Park.  


Meeting Adjourned at 8:13PM by President, Trista Y. McConegly 


Respectfully submitted, 


Jessica Burgoyne,

CCYHA Secretary

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